Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tebow Bashing Time

This here is rant time. Like I said, hate to do it, but its happening. Tim Tebow is done with college football. Now I will give you all a few minutes to celebrate (cue Kool & The Gang)., look. I appreciate all the guy does. I mean, he is more or less a living saint. He goes on mission trips. He praises God for this and that. Hell, he even circumsizes little children in third world countries. These are all great things. The guy is awesome. BUT, you know what, the truth hurts. THE GUY IS NOT GOING TO PLAY IN THE NFL AT THE POSITION OF QUARTERBACK. Time Tebow will follow the likes of Jason White, Chris Weinke, and specifically Eric Crouch, and be a Heisman winning college quarterback who does absolutely nothing in the pros. Now, I said specifically Eric Crouch because, like Eric Crouch, Tebow is not your typical pocket passing quarterback. In my opinion, Crouch was still more of a scrambling quarterback than Tim Tebow, but neither of them are NFL Caliber quarterbacks. Tebow, much like Crouch did, wants to play quarterback. Good luck bub. In my opinion, Tebow would be best served looking to another former SEC QB and do what Arkansas' Matt Jones did. Jones was a scrambling/mobile qb. He understood that he would not play if he wanted to play quarterback in the NFL. So, Jones showed off his receiving capabilities and was selected in the first round of the draft as a receiver. Tim Tebow should be a Tight End. He's huge, is mobile. And I'm sure since he's so good at giving circumcisions to little boys that he must have decent hands. Now, like I said, this is just a rant and I do think he is a heck of a quarterback. On top of that he is a model citizen and definitely a role model. All of this being said, the guy needs to suck it up and go do what he was made to be, and whatever it is it isn't quarterback in the NFL.

Sidenote: Tim Tebow Loves Jorts, Crying, and looking like an overall clown.

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