Sunday, January 10, 2010

MHSAA Needs to Get With the Times

An interesting article here by Mitch McCabe in the Detroit Free Press. I myself was unaware that high school athletes, if having played in an All-American game for one sport, they are not allowed to play in another sport that year. These All-American games, like the Under Armour All-American Football Game that was recently played, gives stuff to the athletes for participating (mostly t-shirts and gear) to wear during the game. As a result, in the State of Michigan, along with many other states, they forfeit their eligibility at this point. Some states, including Alaska and Ohio, allow the athletes to play other sports. This is just an interesting article that I thought I'd share. I personally don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to play other sports. There is a difference in my opinion between playing in an All-American game and being given spending cash by a booster.

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