Wednesday, January 20, 2010


To my readers few and far between, I apologize for my incapability to post with consistency this past week or two. I'm still trying to get use to my new schedule and balancing a few new responsibilities. Anywho, because I missed Music Monday, and and deeply regretting it, I'll share this hit from One Republic...

To touch on a few sports notes...

- The Michigan Men's Basketball Team beat UConn at home on Sunday. The win finally gives them a big non-conference win and one that hopefully they can feed off of leading into tonight's road trip to Madison, Wisconsin.
- The Jets, Colts, Saints, and Vikings are all in their respective conference championships and we will know who is heading to Miami for the Super Bowl this weekend.
- Mark McGwire admitted doing steroids (finally).
- Gilbert Arenas was suspended for his gun in the lockerroom (kind of old news, but I still thought I'd mention it).
- Red Wings suck.
- Pistons suck.
- Pistons might be sold.
- Red Wings lease at the Joe ends this summer (new home?)

All just little points that have come up in the past few days.

On a funny note...I came across this today, and it brought back some good memories.

I'm gonna try to be more current and come up with some interesting posts soon. I hope everyone has had a successful and safe 2010 so far and continues to live life to the fullest.


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