Saturday, January 9, 2010

Its the Weekend and I Don't Feel Like Thinking Too Much

Because it is Saturday, and I really don't feel like putting in a lot of effort to a post, I am going to highlight a few things that have happened in the past few days, and share a few funny and cool links and videos.

BCS Championship: Alabama took care of business in Thursday night's championship game 37-21 (although the game was much closer than the score). Colt McCoy was knocked out of the game early in the 1st Quarter and Texas backup quarterback Garrett Gilbert played outstanding, all things considered. Highlight of the game was when Nick Saban got hit with the Gatorade cooler. He didn't just get the Gatorade poured on him...He got hit in the face with the cooler.

Coaches Leaving: First Charlie Weis got fired. Next Urban Meyer took a leave of absence. Now Pete Carroll is jumping ship for the NFL? All I need now is Jim Tressell to go coach the Browns and Mark Dantonio to finally open his own "Second-Chance" House for underpriveleged youths and quit coaching and I will be an extremely happy camper. But in all seriousness for a moment, it will be interesting to see if Carroll has a repeat of his stint with the NY Jets. In my opinion, I think the guy is one heck of a recruiter, but not a good coach. He obviously has had some phenomenal assistants, but I highly doubt the guy will be able to turn around the trainwreck that is the Seattle Seahawks (think Detroit Lions, except they've actually played in a Super Bowl).

Lastly, although it isn't Music Monday, I'll share a few YouTubes...

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