Monday, February 13, 2012

Top 5 Valentine's Day Related Sports Names

1.  Bobby Valentine:  I mean, the guy's last name is Valentine.  I think he wins.

2.  Mike Hart:  One of Michigan's greatest running backs ever.  He played tough every down.  No one ever questioned his heart... hahaha, ok.  Bad joke.

3.  Red Berenson:  While his first name isn't actually Red (it is Gordon), many say his name came from his love of Valentine's Day.  He would sing love songs, give out candy, and consistently romance the ladies back in the day.  There may be little to no proof of this, but we have all the evidence we need with that sparkle in his eye that comes around this time of the year.

4.  Pete Rose:  Charlie Hustle's family name came from the countless rose garden's they grew across the country side... or something like that.  

5a.  Coco Crisp:  While he sounds more like a delicious cereal, every guy knows that the key to a girl's heart is through this guy's first name.

5b.  Babe Ruth:  Who doesn't want a hot babe for a date on Valentine's Day?

Honorable Mention.  Kevin Love:  I would have him on the list except for the fact that I have had a general disdain for that man ever since he played against Michigan in late 2007.  I hear he's a very nice guy though.  

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful SAINT Valentine's Day (yes... it is a saint's feast day, not just a Hallmark created event for men to spend way too much money to impress their significant other) and I leave you with a message from Zach Randolph...

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