Thursday, December 31, 2009

A New Year, A New Decade, A New Blog

As not only a new year but a new decade begins, we turn the corner on a decade that brought many earth shaking moments to our country. From 9/11 to the first Black President of the United States, our country has endured both trying times and joyous times. I personally have gone from a small minded, sports is everything, Rec&Ed team playing fifth grader who barely knew that girls existed to a college student in my third year at the University of Michigan trying to make a career out of my love for sports. Although I still might not know if girls exhist or not, I do believe that I have enough experience and have received enough education to share my thoughts and opinions with certainty. I am also quite receptive to criticism and questions. This all being said, I am starting this blog, Sports, Society, and Shtuff, so that I can share my thoughts and commentary on current events. Be they sports occurrences, world wide events, or just general rants (I'll do my best to prevent those), I will do my best to post daily something that will be of interest to my readers. I look forward to sports year that includes the Winter Olympics and FIFA World Cup, a movie world that will see if James Cameron's Avatar is all that its cracked up to be, and hopefully an economic year that includes a turnaround for our country. As I wrap up this post, I hope everyone had a fun and safe New Year's Eve and my personal suggestion is to try and enjoy a little College Football action today.

Pick of the Day: Oregon - 31 Ohio State - 23
Fake Pick of the Day: Boston Bruins - 4 Philadelphia Flyers - 1 (If the game is played

Sidenote: All the previous posts were for a project I did and do not pertain to this blog. Although, I high suggesting reading through them. They are all quite interesting and informative.

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