Monday, December 14, 2009

The Last Battle: North Dakota

As of this past week, there is only one unresolved case from when the NCAA deemed 20 or so schools were using Native American names and logos in a disrespectful manner. Many of the teams appealed and tried to show that they were in-fact being quite respectful and had the approval of the surrounding tribes. The last case would be that of the University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux. North Dakota was one of the teams that the NCAA suggested to change their name and/or logo. The Fighting Sioux appealed the decision and has been trying to gain support from the surround tribes. Many Native American students on campus feel like they use the profile of a Native American in an embarassing manner. Many others, especially those of actual Sioux descent are in favor. It has been a hot topic in North Dakota for the past few years and it sounds as if in the very near future we will have an outcome. On Wednesday, December 9, 2009 the State of North Dakota argued against Spirit Lake, a reservation 100 miles outside of UND's campus, who has a restraining order from a deal that North Dakota must figure this situation out before November of 2010. There is no result yet from the case between the reservation and the state. The majority of the other schools who were faced with this problem resolved it quickly. Obviously Florida State had the Seminole Tribe's full support. Most of the problem is just that there is no general consensus between the local tribes of North Dakota. Hopefully a decision will be made in the near future. No other school wants to play against them, because it could possibly be supporting a "politically incorrect" school. No one wants to not support them, because it would be disrespectful of the Sioux Tribe. Its a controversial issue that needs an answer and needs one soon, or else North Dakota's popularity and pocket will suffer even more.

For more on the Fighting Sioux's case you can visit:

For a picture review of logo changes of other schools, visit:

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