Monday, March 8, 2010

Music Monday and Other Glorious Spring Break Happenings

Well, as promised, I will now share the story that is Spring Break along with some musical highlights...

Day 1, Friday Feb 26th: As I got out of class, I started getting calls and texts from my parents. They really didn't think driving out into the eye of the supposed "snowicane" that was going on out east was a good idea. I agreed. After great deliberation, we decided that Florida was our next best trip, and the drive was not much worse than New York. After deciding on Lakeland for Tigers Spring Training, I took a look at the bank account. There was no way Florida was going to work. So, I settled for nothing. Ended up going home to see the fam and see what my realistc options for Spring Break were. AKA: LAMECAKE

Day 2, Saturday Feb 27th: The Brain Trust meets at Cottage Inn to discuss options. The train comes up...doable. Little bit of a long ride, but doable nonetheless. After smashing on a sub and watching Michigan lose to Ohio State in basketball, we decide...train it is. Everybody start packing...we're going to New York...

Day 2-3 Saturday and Sunday Feb 27th-Feb 28th: Bus from Ann Arbor to Toledo leaves at 8:50pm. Train from Toledo to New York leave at 2:50am...we have a little too much time to kill. I watch Miss March...awful movie. Really not entertaining. Just one big Playboy joke...not funny. I'm not even going to waste my time showing you a trailer. After getting on the train though, we travel through the morning and into the day...through Cleveland, OH, Erie, PA, Syracuse, NY, Utica, NY...eventually we start getting close to NYC.

Day 3 Sunday Feb 28th: As we're getting closer to NYC, I realize that the Olympic Gold Medal Game, USA vs Canada is almost over. I called my dad and he was able to put the phone close enough to the tv that I could listen to overtime. Unfortunately...this happened. Anyway, ten minutes later I was in Penn Station and checkin out Madison Square Garden, so whatever. We made our way to Long Island and relaxed the rest of the evening.

Day 4 Monday, March 1st: My friends and I decided it was time to check out the city. We took the train in, which is freaking expensive, and went to a bunch of different places. We ALMOST got standby tickets for Letterman, but no-go. We did get to see Bill Murray though, so that was cool. If we had seen the taping, we would've seen this little number perform...

This quickly became a song for the week...along with a certain Katie's rendition suggesting the lyrics were "I dont think you know..." hahaha. Regardless, it was a great day. We ended up going to the Hard Rock Cafe in Time Square for dinner and ran into a friend in Time Square, go figure. We also checked out a comedy show that evening. Pretty...interesting? Sidenote: don't ever bother going to the m&m store...waste of time.

Day 5 Tuesday, March 2: Its my half-birthday! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! But we really didn't do much during the day. We went to Long Beach and horsed around. In the evening though...we took Long Island by storm. First, we watched the New York Islanders play the Chicago Blackhawks. Blake Comeau had a hat trick for the Islanders, who won 5-2. We had a blast. We came back with this fine goal anthem...

After the game we met up with a friend and went bowling. I wasn't TOO bad.

Day 5, Wednesday, March 3rd: Decided to hit up the city again. We went to Rockafeller Plaza, St. Patrick's Cathedral, the NBA Store, the Museum of Modern Art, the ESPN Zone for dinner, and then "The Most Famous Arena on Earth", Madison Square Garden to watch my Pistons get smoked by the Knicks. It was just an epic day and I was exhausted by the end.

Day 6-7, Thursday and Friday, March 4th and 5th: Time to go home. We took the train back out of Penn Station around 3:45. The ride back was much easier than the way there in my opinion. Probably cuz the majority of the trip was at night and I could sleep. We pulled into Ann Arbor around 8:45 am and went on to sleep the majority of the day.

Overall, the trip was amazing. Time Square was beautiful and I enjoyed ever second of it. It was a little expensive, but what the a little. Lots of inside jokes and moments I'll never forget happened, and I'm glad I decided to go. The one question I have coming out of the trip is this...Is it bad that I enjoyed an Islanders game more than a Knicks vs Pistons game at MSG? Whatever...hope everyone had a great break and I'll be posting on the Tigers within the next day or two.


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