Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The ABC's of Sports... Round 1...

Being the obnoxious sports fan that I am, I love sports lists.  This being the case, after my long "Athletes by the Number" series, I'm still a bit stuck on this "lists" thing (you'd swear I write for Grantland or something).  I decided that I would try going A-Z in my sports world.  Here we go...

A - Ann Arbor:  Home to me for 23 years and the University of Michigan for 175 years.

B - Brandon Inge:  Has played for my favorite baseball team since 2001.  He has caught, played third, and now is at second.  Oh, and by the way, he's my Tiger.

C - College Football:  I have lived for this sport throughout my life.  Growing up down the street from Michigan Stadium will do that to you.

D - Detroit:  Where my favorite professional sports teams play (or at least say they're from).  From the Joe to CoPa, The D is where it's at.

E - East Lansing:  Where Sparty is.  Enough said.

F - ****:  All I could say after this game...

G - Goalie FightVernon vs Roy and Osgood vs Roy are forever engrained in my blood crazed hockey fanatic portion of my brain.

H - Hockeytown:  Another name for The D.  The Wings have won 4 Stanley Cups while I've been alive.  Not bad eh?

I - Ice Cream Baseball Helmets:  Raise your hand if you ever got one...

J - The Joe:  Where the Red Wings play.  Joe Louis Arena is certainly an older hockey venue.  But, there is certainly a feeling of nostalgia when you walk up those stairs.

K - Vladimir Konstantinov:  A great defenseman on the 96-97 Detroit Red Wings, the enforcer was in a car accident and became a rallying point for the next season's Stanley Cup winning team.

L - Lloyd Carr:  Coach of the Michigan Football team from 1995 - 2007, Lloyd left some pretty big shoes to fill for Rich Rodriguez, who couldn't exactly fill them.

M - Block "M":  An obvious symbol of the University of Michigan, Dave Brandon has pushed it even greater since taking over the Athletic Department.  The Block M is as synonymous with the University as is the term "Wolverines."

N - Night Games:  How cool was it Under the Lights last year?

O - Chris Osgood:  Minded the net for the Detroit Red Wings for a large portion of my sports watching career.  Many chants of "Ozzie!  Ozzie!  Ozzie!  Ozzie!" were heard at The Joe.

P - Pioneer High School:  Not only is it a high school with a ton of cool alumni from hockey player Jack Johnson, to Olympic swimmer Kara Lynn Joyce.  From Iggy Pop to Bob Seger.  And of course me!  But it also is kitty-corner to a college football mecca and serves as parking and tailgating for many a fan.

Q - Quinnipiac:  I don't really have anything for Q.  Mike Silverman went there... hosted a sports radio show. I was on it once.  Next...

R - Rose Bowl:  The Grand Daddy of them All...  Michigan hasn't been in it in a while.  It has still produced some absolutely phenomenal games.  As America's attention is drawn to Pasadena on New Year's Day (or close to), we all recover from staying up late (or that whole hangover thing) and watch some football.

S - Sugar Bowl:  One of the BCS Bowls.  Michigan won it this year.  It was awesome.  Brunette girls...

T - The Tigers:  I have been a fan since birth. I have a game ball from 1989 signed by the team.  Meeting Sparky Anderson was one of my favorite moments in life.  I love going to games.  I love watching games.  Although I love it when they're good, I don't really care.  I support them 100%.

U - Ugueth Urbina:  If you don't know this former baseball player's story, I suggest reading it.

V - The VictorsEnjoy...

W - Wolverines:  What the University of Michigan athletic teams call themselves.  I think it is worth saying that I think that they should use it more frequently and predominantly as opposed to the Block M.

X - X-Games:  One of the few times a year that I'm not watching ESPN.  Absolutely 0 interest from this guy.

Y - Steve Yzerman:  The Captain.  Enough said.

Z - Zebras:  They're just the worst.  Unless they are Ed Hochuli.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.  Feel free to tell me what you think.  I love comments, both positive and negative.  The game plan is to have a real writing piece here in the near future.  We'll see how that goes.  Until then, just remember...

"You miss 100 % of the shots you don't take."
  - Wayne Gretzky

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