Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Nard Dog...Nailin It

Because I suck and just haven't written a "new" post in such a long time...I figure this is a solid subject to write on. First off, let it be known that I've been referring to Denard Robinson as 'Nard Dog since last season...mostly in reference to this...

Denard has been running all over every team Michigan has played so far this season. It began with this...

then this...

then came this...

and most recently this...

The campus has Denard-Fever. T-Shirts...Signs...shoelaces untied...ESPN's Sportsnation filmed in Ann Arbor last week and everyone, myself included, had the fever. Some might suggest that the only prescription is more cow bell, but I would say its untied shoelaces, dreadlocks, and MORE NARD DOG.

While I do think the hype is getting a bit out of hand, he is pretty damn good. Michigan is 4-0 going into Big Ten play against IU this weekend. Is it weird that when I think of games against IU, all I think of is Antwaan Randle El? Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next few weeks. After this week, Michigan plays MSU at home, Iowa at home, has a bye week, then off to Happy Valley to take on the Nittany Lions. The month of October will be the real test. Hopefully all goes well. GO BLUE!



PS: Just want to salute Coach Rich Rodriguez for his Lion King reference the other day...well done sir...well done.

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