Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Michigan Football and Non-Conference Play

Today the Michigan Athletic Department announced that Michigan will host San Diego St at the Big House in 2011. This rounds out the non-conference opponents for Michigan and guarentees eight home games in 2011. The Aztecs are coached by former Michigan assistant Brady Hoke and have only played against Michigan once before. The Wolverines will host Eastern Michigan, Western Michigan, and Notre Dame as well next season. This season, Michigan hosts UConn, UMass, and Bowling Green, as well as traveling to Notre Dame.

Now, everyone has heard the complaints before. Michigan never plays anyone different. Michigan never plays anyone big. Ohio State goes out and schedules a home and home versus Texas, and USC. We play two of the directional Michigan schools every year. Sometimes we change it up with a different MAC school. And almost year in and year out, there's the Golden Domers. There was a lot of speculation as to who Michigan would play in the first game after all of the renovations, and it was announced that it would be a BCS team...unfortunately that team is UConn. Sure, we aren't MSU, who now has a deal to play directional Michigan schools every year for the next 100 years (not exactly true...but might as well be). I am just sick and tired of watching Michigan take the apparent easy way out.

Many people suggest that without Michigan playing the "lower" schools, many of these schools athletic programs would be financially screwed. This may be partially true, but they can find other teams. Western Michigan played Florida State a few years ago. Believe it or not, you are allowed to leave the state. Play USF. Play Eastern Carolina. Play UTEP. Heck...play a home and home with them. I remember as recent as 15 years ago, home and homes with Colorado (apologies for the video...it still hurts me too), Syracuse, and traveling to Hawaii. We hosted Colorado, Baylor, AND Notre Dame all during the undefeated season of 1997. We had home and homes with Washington and Oregon. All of these games would be great.

Michigan needs to stop scheduling weak teams. We are 1-1 against FCS teams, including one of the most embarassing losses at Michigan Stadium, let alone in all of collegiate sport. In that same season, we lost to Toledo. Yes...Toledo. I didn't even know Toledo had anything other than the Mud Hens and Tony Pacos. If the University of Michigan Football Team wants to earn back some respect in the sports world, they need to beat some good teams. Heck, they need to play some good teams. Go play Ole Miss. Go play Texas A&M. Play somebody interesting.

In the end, I'm a fan of playing San Diego State. Like I said, it is always nice to play somebody different. I do think Michigan should go out an play some new teams, preferably from a BCS conference. No matter who they play though, they need to start winning games. I think all of us fans can agree on that.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Its Been a While...

So, between finals, a trip to Chicago, being lazy, and work, I have failed to write an entry in a while. I have officially moved onto summer though...and I think everyone else should as well. This being the case, I have decided to come up with my Top 10 Favorite Things About Summer...

10. Playoff Hockey: Although hockey is clearly a Winter sport, the Red Wings have been in the playoffs as far back as I can remember. The playoffs are great no matter what sport they are. But, to me, there is just something special about the NHL Playoffs. Why don't you take this a look see and tell me if you agree?

9. Summer Storms: Who doesn't love a good summer storm? The rain...lightning...thunder...phenomenal stuff. As long as you aren't driving through it, a good summer storm is an amazing experience.

8. $1 Pops at McDonalds: Although most gas stations and a lot of places have cheap drinks during the summer, there is nothing quite like a pop from the fountain, especially from McDonald's if you ask me.

7. Summer Concerts: Although I didn't go to my first outdoor concert until just two summers ago, they are by far one of my new favorite events. Nothing quite like jamming to good tunes and watching the sun set.

6. Hanging Out on the Beach: This is pretty self-explanatory. Swimsuits, jetskis, sun, water. Then, there's that whole sand thing. Beaches are a blast. I'm especially a big fan of the lake setting, preferably "Up North". But, you also can't hate on the oceans. Overall, beach play is a blast.

5. Playing Catch: Of course the obvious "catch" being played would be baseball. But, throwing the frisbee around, or even a little pigskin tossing can be a blast. If you choose the pigskin, I'm a big fan of diving into the pool and trying to catch it. Always a fun activity...

4. Going Running/Walking Outside: Coming from someone like me, President and CEO of Out of Shape Inc., this probably sounds stupid. But honestly, when you wake up, and its 72, sunny, and not a cloud in the sky. Why wouldn't you get outside and walk around if you can?

3. Fireworks: For me, it doesn't have to be the 4th of July to enjoy fireworks. But, when you can sit on grass, with family, friends, or both, and just watch the colors explode in the sky. It is amazing.

2. BBQ Picnics: Anyone who doesn't enjoy a good barebeque picnic is lying to themselves. Shishkabobs, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, bratwursts...all amazing. Throw in some watermelon and maybe some coleslaw and we're talking nap time as soon as you're done. Embrace the '-itis'.

1. Baseball: As Roger Hornsby once said, "People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." I love baseball. I like watching it at all levels. I like playing it. I like talking about it. Obviously baseball starts in the Spring. But, in my mind, there is nothing better than going to a ballgame on a warm summer evening.